User Agreement

1. Terms and Conditions

I authorize Ezyshopping to claim my tax refund in accordance with Australian laws and regulations.

READ CAREFULLLY: This agreement is a legal contract between Ezyshopping and you for using and Ezyshopping APP, including online services and interactive applications made available to you as a registered user of the website and APP.

This Agreement contains the entire Agreement and all rules that have been published or may publish in the future. All terms and conditions in this Agreement are an integral part and have the same legal effect. If you have any concerns about this Agreement, please contact Ezyshopping directly. Our friendly service team is happy to assist you with any questions. Once you permit the Agreement and compete for registration, you will become our legal registered user. You agree: I authorize Ezyshopping to refund my tax under Australian regulations. The user agreement becomes effective and binding on both parties once I start to use Ezyshopping’s service. At that time, you cannot cancel the Agreement or claim that this Agreement is invalid if you didn’t read or understand this Agreement. You confirm that the Agreement is a legal contract that deals with both parties’ rights and obligations and are always valid. You promise to accept and abide by this Agreement. If you disagree with this Agreement, please stop registration or stop using our service directly. This Agreement may change over time through amendments by Ezyshopping. The changed Agreement will publish on our APP directly and will not inform customers of the change of the terms and conditions individually. Once the new terms and conditions were published in the Ezyshopping APP, they will take effect immediately. If you object to modifications, please stop using our service directly. If you keep using our service, the new terms and conditions shall be regarded as accepted by customers and shall become part of the contractual relationship.

2. Registration

2.1 You must use your real legal name to register.

2.2 Registered users must be the natural person, legal person, or other organization who has the legal ability and legal right can assume legal responsibility independently. Once you complete the registration or use Ezyshopping’s service through other cooperated platforms, you are deemed to have confirmed that you have the qualification and can independently assume legal responsibility. If you do not have the qualifications, all the consequences will be borne by you and your agent.

2.3 The user shall provide the registration information to Ezyshopping in good faith. The user agrees that the registration information is correct, accurate, complete, legal, and useful. If the user registration information changes, the registration information shall be updated in time. If the information provided by users is illegal, untrue, inaccurate, or incomplete. In that case, the user shall bear the corresponding responsibilities and consequences arising from that place, and Ezyshopping reserves the right to terminate the user’s use of services on Ezyshopping.

2.4 When the user uses Ezyhopping’s platform, Ezyshopping will keep it strictly confidential includes the user’s real name/name, mailing address, contact number, email address, and other private information, unless authorized by the user or otherwise provided by law, the company will not disclose user privacy information to third parties.

3. Account

3.1 After you register successfully, you will become a member in Ezyshopping, you will have sole right to edit your account information and set your account name. You also can change your password according to our rule.

3.2 The account name you set must not infringe or be suspected of infringing on the legal rights of others. Otherwise, Ezyshopping has the right to terminate the provision of services to you and delete your account.

3.3 If you delete your account or we delete your account, the corresponding account name will be open to any user for registration.

3.4 You should keep your account name and password properly, and be responsible for the account number and password. Unless any law registration, and be agreed by our company. Otherwise, the account number and name can not be transferred

3.5 you should not borrow the register account to other person. Otherwise, you shall bear all the responsibilities arising therefrom, and shall bear joint and several liabilities with the actual user.

If you find that your personal account has been illegally used or other circumstances that may endanger the security of your account, you should immediately inform Ezyshopping to suspension of related services, and report it to the police. You understand that it requires reasonable time for Ezyshopping to take action on your request, and Ezyshopping does not assume any responsibility for the consequences (including but not limited to any of your losses) that have occurred before the action is taken.

4. Reasonable use of user information

4.1 You agree that Ezyshopping has the right to send information to registered users through emails, SMS calls, etc.

4.2 You understand and agree that Ezyshopping has the right to provide necessary information such as registration information and transaction records that you fill in the application platform at the request of the national judicial and administrative departments. If you are suspected of infringing on the intellectual property rights of others, Ezyshopping also has the right to provide the right holder with the necessary identification information if the suspected infringement exists

4.3 The user agrees that Ezyshopping has the right to use the user’s registration information, user name, password and other information to log in to the user’s registered account for evidence preservation, including but not limited to notarization, witness, etc.

5. Special Remind

You will be liable to penalties by Australian Taxation Office for providing false or misleading documents and statements. Applicants bringing goods back into Australia for which they have already claimed a GST refund under Ezyshopping is greater than their passenger concession (exceeds AUD$900), they will need to repay the GST refund (including Ezyshopping service fee) back on the goods they claimed under the Ezyshopping. Duty and GST will apply to all items purchased, not just goods over the limit of their passenger concession. Failure to declare the bringing goods back into Australia for which you have already claimed may cause penalties by Australian Taxation Office.

5.2 The following conditions are not eligible for claiming GST refund:

  • Beer, spirits or tobacco products
  • GST-free products (such as medicines, foods)
  • Services (such as accommodation, car rental, food, travel, guarantees, etc.)
  • Gift card or Voucher
  • Goods that have been consumed or partially consumed in Australia (such as food, perfume, etc.). Non-consumable items can be refunded, such as used cameras, iPhones, clothing, etc.
  • Products that are not boarding or leaving Australia

Please make sure you have checked your tax invoices, the tax invoices will show GST amount.

5.3 How much could I get from the GST refund?

Your GST refund amount is the total GST of all your eligible goods, minus the service fees we charge.

6. Disclaimer

6.1 Ezyshopping is only a platform that provides information exchange. Any disputes that occur are not related to Ezyshopping. Please protect your rights and interests through the arbitration department.

User Agreement

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